HKSSF ARC: Streamlining School Sports Registration with Blockchain Technology

1Form 3, Methodist College, Kowloon, HKSAR (China)

A Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for IBCOL 2023

Sustainable Development Goals



Our project aims to solve the issue of athlete registration cards (ARCs). To participate in sports competitions, students need to obtain an ARC from the Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation (HKSSF) by providing a bunch of personal information. However, these ARCs have a validity period of only one year. In addition, if students transfer to another school, they need to apply for a new card and also pay again, which increases the workload and cost for both students and HKSSF. Therefore, we propose to improve the ARC application system by creating an electronic ARC (e-ARC).

Regarding the issue of transferring schools, students can maintain their own data, which ensures that they can submit it to HKSSF regardless of which school they transfer to. If students need to change their data, they can add new data to the blockchain themselves, and HKSSF can be informed of the update.

Lastly, in terms of security issues, as the blockchain system protects the data, and only the owner of the data can authorize others to access it, it ensures that only authorized accounts, such as HKSSF, can access the data. Additionally, blockchain increases transparency since all data is not controlled by HKSSF alone. In the end, the ARC will be electronic, removing the risk of losing or damaging the ARC.